3Dfy everything!

Hi folks,

It's been two days since we rolled out Shapify.me, and we've enjoyed hundreds of downloads and printing attempts as well as some great media coverage.

Here are some links worth reading:

Keith Shaw blogs on Shapify.Me launch for ItWorld.com This gives some fun ideas on uses for 3D-figurines:

"I'd imagine that you could use these quite well in your next Dungeons & Dragons adventure, or break out your mini-me action figure the next time the family plays Monopoly"

Professor Hao Li from UCS unveils some of the maths behind Shapify.me and explains, why Shapify.me, the first of its kind Kinect-based self-3D-scanning app is a technological breakthrough: "If you have dynamic point clouds, that change over time, or 3D shapes of arbitrary models, how can you find relationships between them?"

Our partners at Sculpteo share their experience with Shapify.me, make an important confession: "The way we see it, the timing is perfect to start casually scanning some family members and surprise them with an unusual 3D printed Christmas gift. At least, some of us at Sculpteo’s will."

Click here to see a 3D-model uploaded to Shapify.me website!

Some other scanning ideas collected by our team in the last few days included creating a set of all employees for the corporate Christmas party, making a chess set out of your family members, and even scanning a couple to decorate the top of their wedding cake!

Most importantly, remember that scanning takes just a couple of minutes and costs zero dollars. Keep 3Dfying yourself, your friends and relatives via Shapify.me until you get the result you want. And then print it!

Yours truly,


Don't forget to follow us on twitter: @shapifyme

Lots of fun stuff coming up!